Friday, September 25, 2009

Indie Film Trailer - Determinism

(Update 10/21/2009: Here is the link to the film's new website. Thanks!).

I thought I'd post up this film trailer submitted by my tweep, Determinism (thank you!). Check it out!

(p.s. If you are a filmmaker and have a project(s) you'd like me to check out, feel free to contact me. Also, I may be doing some interviews (podcast style) with indie filmmakers down the road if you'd like to send me a message and start a conversation. Thanks for your interest!)

Video Link


Action Flick Chick said...

It looks interesting. Thanks for sharing.

Film Gurl said...

Glad you found it interesting! They will have a website coming soon, I'll update it with the link once it's up. Though, they already have a facebook fan page set up. Thanks for stopping by! :)

Karen said...

I like the dark gritty feel of the trailer. Nice find!

Film Gurl said...

Cool, thanks! :)