"She's not human...not entirely."
- Splice
When I first saw the trailer to this film, it didn't look like something that I really wanted to see. So, I held off on seeing it. Though, it did peak my curiosity...just a bit.
Recently, I made the decision to go ahead and check it out. Going into the movie, I had heard some really bad reviews about it. And, I knew going in - I may not like it.
But, I guess my curiosity got the better of me. Was it worth it? To be honest, I think it was executed pretty badly but had some really good entertainment value (kind of like this movie).
In a way, I guess the trailer can be a bit misleading. When I first saw the trailer, I thought I knew what the movie was going to be all about. And, I assumed the film would just take place in one location. But, I was wrong.
At first, the film is a bit slow. It introduces you to the characters and their lives. At times, the first couple of scenes felt kind of slow.
(Note: For those who have seen the film, you'll know what I'm talking about).
But, the movie does take a turn (about halfway through). To be honest, it really surprised me. From there, let me just say - the events that happened were pretty unexpected. Quite frankly, I was shocked at some of the scenes and events that took place in the film - it truly threw me for a loop.
(Note: For those who have not seen the movie yet, I don't want to ruin it for you but let's me just say - there were a lot of "in your face" type moments that really shocked me).
In my opinion, I guess some of the scenes and events were really quite unexpected and a bit over the top. But, at the same time - it really did have some entertainment value. To be honest, I was stunned yet entertained at the same time. There were some parts of the movie that were so out there yet amused me at the same time.
(Note: For those who have seen the film, you'll know what I'm talking about).
As for the movie itself, I think it had an interesting storyline. Though, it just was not executed that well. And, I think they could have made the story better.
There were parts that were interesting but at the same time - parts that were just too unbelievable and over the top. I think if they changed a few things with the script, it could have worked with better execution.
If you're looking for a really good sci-fi movie with a good storyline and meaning, this film is probably not the best pick. Though, if you enjoy sci-fi type films and want to be entertained in a comedic way - I'd say this film does have some entertainment value.
(Note: When I say "comedic way," it's style and entertainment value can be kind of compared to this movie).
All in all, I'd say this movie would be really fun to watch with a group (if there's nothing else out there to watch). To be honest, I have no more words for this film - I really don't know what else to say. It was both intriguing yet shocking and amusing to watch at the same time.
Film Gurl's 15 Minute Rule: NEUTRAL
p.s. Feel free to leave comments on any post either here and/or my Facebook Page. Comments are always welcome, thanks for reading!
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