Thank you everyone for taking the time to read my blog especially my movie reviews and insights. I want to personally thank each and everyone of you here who has even once read any of my posts - your time and input is well appreciated.
As all good things must come to an end, so must this blog here. And, so - my last blog post.
On blogspot.
Though, I will continue with the blog - it has just moved. Hooray!!
Blogspot has been a great blogging platform for me - it's served me well. And, now for the new site location (drumroll please).....
When I first heard about this film, it was all the rage. Personally, I had never heard of Banksy before this movie came out. Though, it seemed like he was a big deal in the art world - a really big deal. And, this film showed it.
But, this film was not about Banksy at all. And, that was what made it so brilliant.
It was a story about just a normal guy, Thierry Guetta (aka Mr. Brainwash), who wanted to be a filmmaker. And, in his quest - he stumbles upon the underground art world scene, which was both dangerous yet intriguing.
(Note: For those who have seen the film, you'll know what I'm talking about. In a sense, this underground art world scene sparks scene sparks controversy and interest among all art lovers alike. And, that's what I found so interesting).
So, what is so special about Thierry's story? What makes him so interesting to center a film around him and his life? Well, you'll be surprised at the answer - it definitely threw me for a loop.
Basically, this is a story about how an ordinary guy went from rags to riches (basically overnight) in the art world. Now, Thierry didn't really have any experience in the art world.
But, he did have experience (and loved) using a video camera - he was very passionate about shooting video of everything. And, this passion progressed into filming artists in the underground world - big time artists such as Space Invader, Shepard Fairey, and of course - Banksy.
Though as the film progresses, it slowly unfolds into displaying Thierry's quest to be a filmmaker into a new quest - to be an artist. And, this is where the madness begins.
You see, in Thierry's new quest to be an artist - he consulted with Banksy (who seemed to serve as a kind of mentor), who told him he should really start small and build from there.
(Note: In the film, it depicts Banksy as suggesting Thierry enter and hold small art shows to display his work just inviting family and friends to start off . Then, after a few shows he could then build up his reputation and work towards bigger shows).
But, this was not how Thierry operated. He wanted to be big. And, fast.
So, the story continues to show how Thierry became a success overnight. Though, at the expense of almost every single artist he befriended - including Banksy.
(Note: I don't want to ruin it for those who have not seen the film, but I'll just say - it's really one of those things where it seemed he took advantage of these relationships and friendships that he had made).
Personally, I think this film has a very interesting and important message to say about art. And, that is that "Art is really in the eye of the beholder."
In this case, there were many beholders willing to pay top dollar for art by a regular guy who had just become an overnight success. And, all this due to his connections and relationships he had made in the underground art world.
At the end of the film, Banksy makes a very important observation. And, that is - who is the joke really on?
In a sense, I think this film really begs the question - what makes an artist? And, how can an artist's work really be measured? By the amount of money he or she makes? Or, by the popularity of his or her work? Or, both? Or, neither? Who decides?
Overall, I enjoyed this film - it's different. And, it had an interesting yet important message. Even if you do not consider yourself an artist, it's definitely something I find worth looking into.
If you're in the mood for a documentary type of film, I do recommend this one.
(Note: This post has nothing to do with film and/or movies. Though, I felt compelled to participate and share with you my thoughts. Thanks for reading!)
So, I've decided to participate in my film blogging pal's, Kid In The Front Row, latest blogathon "My Favorite Childhood Book."
Now, as part of a participant of the blogathon - I was required to re-read my favorite childhood book and write about it. And, I'm happy to say and share with you - my favorite childhood book is:
Since I have not read the book in a very long time, it was very nostalgic to go back and re-read the story. I remember as a kid, this was my all time favorite book - I took it with me everywhere.
(Note: And, for those interested - my all time favorite game as a child was Monopoly - I took it everywhere with me as well. Though, I was banned from bringing the game to school. Many times my beloved Monopoly game was taken away as I sat in the principal's office awaiting my fate. Unfortunately, the school system I attended did not tolerate teaching kids about money and business - one of my interests even as a kid. As a child, I was an entrepreneur of sorts - I always had an entrepreneurial venture going on).
After re-reading the book recently, it really takes me back and makes me think about why I liked the story so much. As a kid, I remember reading this book over and over again. And, I remember - it really was a book that kept me going even at a young age.
So, what is it about the story that just kept me going? Well, I think it had a lot to do with the way the story was told and how I was able to relate to the "little engine" in the story.
You see, I wasn't the smartest kid in the class. Nor, was I the strongest. Or, the most artistic. I wasn't even the most behaved kid. But, one thing I did have (which many of my teachers remarked about) was my creativity.
Though, in the areas of my academic life - I kind of struggled with my schoolwork. And, I also had a major behavioral problem - I got distracted easily. And, I didn't take to following directions. But, all of my teachers all said that I was a bright kid - I just needed to apply myself.
So, in an effort to teach me that I could do something if I just put my mind to it - I was introduced to my favorite childhood book. And, I kept reading and reading the book over and over again.
Looking back, in a way - I guess I can say the book kind of inspired me. It encouraged me and taught me that one lesson - if I put my mind to it, I can accomplish the task at hand. And, so - the book remains my favorite childhood book even as an adult.
Reading the book again as an adult, I feel the "kid" in me ignite once again. I think as we grow up into adulthood, society tells us that we must be more practical in terms of the choices we make (whether they be personal, career, etc) and the paths that we take.
But, I sometimes I have to wonder - is practicality the best choice? Does choosing the path of "practicality" make one happy?
Even as a kid, I was told over and over again - I always had my head up in the clouds. And, as I grew up - I was taught in school as well as by my parents to be more practical in my choices in life.
Even at an early age, I always enjoyed writing. And, I had some great teachers who really encouraged me to pursue my love for the art of writing.
Though, as I grew up - I was discouraged to pursue my writing by others including my parents who insisted I be more "practical" in my choice of vocation for the future. My parents saw no place for me in the arts - told me there's no money in it and to give up on these silly dreams. They wanted me to do something sensible where I'd make a lot of money.
(Note: For those interested, feel free to check out my first post where I talk more in depth about my childhood interests in film and writing).
As I look back, I can honestly say that I do not think I would be happy if I stopped writing. To me, writing is a part of who I am. And, it's hard to change that.
In relating to the story of the "little engine," I can see the "little engine" inside of me just chugging along as I continue to pursue my interest in writing. Just like the story, I may not be the fanciest or the most popular writer. Or, even the best writer. I may not even have a slew of degrees and awards in writing.
But, just like the "little engine" - I still believe in myself that I can write and pursue my interest. And, I continue to write even to this day.
Getting back to the book, I think everyone has a "little engine" inside of them. And, that "little engine" can do wonders with enough belief and determination.
So, I hope this post in sharing with you my favorite childhood book inspires you to rekindle and re-ignite the "little engine" inside of you.
It definitely has for me.
p.s. Feel free to leave comments on any post either here and/or my Facebook Page. Comments are always welcome, thanks for reading!
After I saw this movie, I suddenly got into a Michael Douglas and thriller type of mood. So, I decided to check this film out. I'm glad I did.
Though this movie is fairly recent, I felt an air of nostalgia throughout the film. To be honest, it really felt like an outdated kind of movie - something you would see as a television special 10 years ago or so. Though, I was pleasantly surprised with the outcome.
Now, the movie starts out a bit kind of slow - it really sets the scene, the overall mood, and introduces the characters. As the film progresses, it does get a bit interesting.
I don't want to ruin it for those who have not seen the movie, but let me just say - this film is not your average thriller type movie. I found it very interesting how the storyline is set in a way that you feel is predictable.
However, it really isn't as predictable as you think - it really threw me for a loop. And, I guess - that's what made the film enjoyable.
As the movie progresses, the mood and the tone of the story is set in a way that you think you know what will happen. But, just as I thought the film was too predictable - it made a turn, a sharp turn. And, I can tell you - I definitely did not see it coming.
(Note: For those who have seen the film, you'll know what I'm talking about. There was a point in the movie where I thought everything had been settled. But, I did not expect what was yet to come).
This is really a story about how a young man, CJ Nicholas (played by Jesse Metcalfe), and his aspirations in the pursuit of success in his career despite the consequences. And, those consequences came at a high price - his life.
Though, what happens when things go too far? Sometimes we think we have everything all figured out only to be mistaken in the end. And, the ultimate question remains - "Is it worth it?"
To CJ Nicholas, he thought it was worth it. He thought he had the perfect plan to achieve his dream of being a star reporter. The plan seemed flawless. Though, in the end - his actions has consequences. And, those consequences came at a high price.
Without saying too much about the film (as I do not want to spoil it for those who have not seen it), I will say this is a movie that really has a lot of twists and turns. So many times, I thought I had the movie all figured out only to be mistaken - the ending definitely threw me for a loop.
Overall, I enjoyed the movie. Though the tone seemed a bit outdated, I enjoyed the storyline and the plot very much. Personally, I really enjoy films that are not predictable - movies with surprise endings. And, this one definitely had it.
If you're in the mood for a thriller type film, I do recommend this one.
I took an interest in their film, "Determinism" when the trailer was submitted here. From the trailer alone, it definitely caught my eye and I knew it would be a movie with something important to say. I was definitely right.
From the very beginning of the film, I could get a sense of the eeriness and setting of the movie - the tone was set quite well. The film takes place in the winter time in Pennsylvania. And, let me just say - the cinematography is just amazing and outstanding. I really could feel the tone throughout the movie.
Now, this is a film that you really do have to pay attention to - it is told quite well. There are bits and pieces of the story that are introduced throughout the movie which really make the film come together at the end.
So, what is this movie about? Well, I don't want to reveal too much as I do not want to ruin it for you. But, I will tell you it's a movie that has some really important themes about our society and how the kids of our society deal with the issues of today.
The main character, Alec (played by Sanjit Majumdar), is a college student who is really struggling with trying to uphold the high expectations of his parents. As many parents who immigrate to this country, there is a lot of pressure placed on their children to do well in school and to uphold a high status position and job after graduating from college. That is the "American Dream" for many parents of their children.
But, Alec is not able to cope and uphold his parents' plans for him. There is just too much pressure. And, in the end - he fails them.
In turn, Alec soon realizes that he is just "tired of trying to fit in." So, he turns to a different life - a life filled with drugs and making easy money. With no support from this family, for Alec - this is his future now. And, so the story begins.
As for the plot, I won't say much as it may ruin it for those who have not yet seen the film. But, I will say - there are a lot of unexpected twists and turns. And, yes - there are a lot of unpredictable moments.
This movie really makes a statement about the future of the children of America. Sometimes parents do place too much pressure on their children to live out their own dreams, not the dreams of their children. But, at what price?
Without having a family and a support system, who else do these kids have to turn to? As parents, when is enough, enough? I understand parents want the best for their children. But, who is to say what is the best? And, what is the definition of success?
In the movie, the "determinism" of the main character, Alec, was to survive on his own to go out and make a fresh start without the support of his family. His will to survive only made him stronger. But, in the end - it was a high price to pay. And, many paid dearly for it.
Overall, I enjoyed the film very much. It was brilliantly executed and had a good storyline. It had my attention throughout. And, I personally think this movie is worthy of being entered into the film festival circuit.
If you're in the mood for a drama and thriller type of film, I do recommend this one.
Since I was in the mood for a thriller type of movie, I decided to check out this film. It was just what I needed, it did not disappoint.
I enjoy seeing Michael Douglas on the big screen - he has done some great performances and has had many outstanding roles (such as in this movie). And, Demi Moore's performance was exceptional as the antagonist in this film based on the Michael Crighton novel.
Now, I have to warn you - things are a bit outdated in the movie. It's kind of entertaining to watch older films to see how technology has changed over time. Though, there are some ideas in the film based on technology that we still do not have today.
(Note: For those of you who have seen the movie, you'll know what I'm talking about).
To be honest, there are a lot of twists and turns in the film. During some points, I thought I knew what was going to happen only to be surprised by the turn of events - there were moments that definitely threw me for a loop. And, it made for a worthwhile experience.
In a sense, this film kind of reminded me of this movie. It was similar in a way, both films touched on the theme of technology and how technology can both helps us and hurt us. I guess, what matters is how you intend to use it.
We all like to believe that technology is there to help us. But, if used the wrong way - it can harm us. And, in this day and age - technology can be available to most anyone. If in the wrong hands, technology can lead to destruction.
If you're in the mood for a thriller type of film (as well as enjoy the topic of technology), I do recommend this one.
When I first saw the trailer to this film, it looked like an interesting movie with a neat concept. Though, it really looked like it would cater more to the fans of the first one. I was right.
Going into the film, I had no background about the original movie - I've never seen it. Though, I knew it existed as well as the video game. So, I was pretty much going into the film blindly - not a good idea.
From the very start, I was a bit lost with the storyline and the characters. Though I was not completely lost, I found it kind of hard to follow and put the pieces together without having seen the first movie.
Many times there were references to the first film shifting from the past to the present and back again. Since I am unfamiliar with the original story, it was a bit difficult for me to comprehend some of the concepts and ideas in the movie.
Though, I think there were some neat things about the film. To me, it felt very much like I was watching a movie in the past. It really felt very "80s like" and retro looking. But, I think they wanted to make it that way for the fans of the original.
Also, there were some pretty neat special effects in the "electronic world." I especially enjoyed the visuals with the action scenes - they were done very uniquely to the film. And, I think the soundtrack was done very well to match the overall feeling of the movie.
(Note: For those who have seen the film, you'll know what I'm talking about. I thought the music soundtrack catered quite well especially to the action scenes).
As for the storyline, I felt a bit lost. Though, it's probably because I have not seen the original film. This is definitely one movie where it's important to see the first one beforehand.
If I had seen the first movie and had been more familiar with the concepts and ideas introduced in the original, it may have been easier for me to follow. Though, I do think it was really neat that the movie touched upon the concept of artificial intelligence.
(Note: I don't want to ruin it for those who have not seen the film, but let's just say the concept and ideas are a bit similar to this movie).
Overall, I really think this film was made for the fans of the original. If you are a fan of the original movie, you will probably understand this film better than most people.
For those who have not seen the original, it's best to see the first one beforehand. And, in my opinion (unless you are a fan of the original and really feel the need to see it) - wait for the DVD.
I've always been fascinated with film. Enjoy watching movies - whether old or new, mainstream or independent. I also have a comedic side - I enjoy skits and spoofs. This blog is here to discuss anything film - reviews, opinions, industry stuff, etc. And, for those who like a good laugh - skits and spoofs as well. Check out my first post for more info on me. Contact Info Contact me
If you have something you'd like me to check out (i.e. film(s), blogs, websites, etc), feel free to send it in. Please do not send any file attachments - it's best if you just send me a link to your project(s). If I find it interesting/relevant, I will post it up. Thanks!
Attention All Filmmakers
If you are a filmmaker and have a project(s) you'd like me to check out, feel free to contact me here or through my Facebook page.
Also, I may be doing some interviews (podcast style) with indie filmmakers down the road if you'd like to send me a message here or through my Facebook page and start a conversation. Thanks for your interest!